Our field trip to the spectacular wetlands between Karekare and the Whatipu is a follow up from the wetlands workshop we held in August under the leadership of ecologist Shona Myers and native plant guru Jeff McCauley.
They will lead us on the trip which will start at Karekare and will go via Tunnel Point to the Pararaha Stream. The wetlands in this area have grown exponentially in recent years with the changing sand profile on this part of the west coast.
We will meet at Karekare car park on Sunday November 8th at 10 am. Bring your lunch, strong walking shoes or boots, a raincoat, and warm jacket. Keen walkers may like to return via the Pararaha Stream and Zion Hill, while others may choose to return along the shore to Karekare. You will need at moderate degree offitness for this walk.
For more information contact Pat La Roche 8128 202
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